Jesus Is Truly King the topic of this week in our society.

As we all know he came out with an album named 'Jesus is King. 

First of all, woah! I am 100% moved by it. FIRE!! 

I have felt very blah in my Christian journey for the last few months, not attending church, reading my bible etc. & maybe is because I feel like the messages at church delivered feel elementary or materialistic in the sense of "God will give you a husband or He will pull you out of this certain situation" and while the latter is 100% true not all are called for marriage. I want to hear more messages on truth, like why abstain from sex, the holy day is truly Saturday not Sunday..Why we shouldn't celebrate Halloween etc... I don't need milk I need bread!

But solid food belongs to those who are mature, for those who through practice have powers of discernment that are trained to distinguish good from evil." (Hebrews 5:14)

This album was a reminder of God's strong grace, whether you believe Kanye in newly born or not, at the end of the day there are a few messages to this album. I haven't felt this much in music in a while!

1- A cry to Jesus from Kanye. While I'm not a "fan" or really been into his music like that, this really hit home as you can hear a cry for the Lord. Pray for him, don't partake in judgmental conversations, the ego should not drive us. This brought a fire back out in me that I truly needed!

2. It shows our hearts. America seems hurt and in need of a Savior, but instead of looking for Jesus we much rather put others down. Many "Christians" shame Kanye for confessing Jesus and are being judgmental before taking a listen. Who are we to judge? He without sin... Instead of questioning his belief again I say PRAY for his journey as we are all a spirit & arent perfect in following the faith. Our past shouldn't haunt us, and Jesus teaches to love all and while Kanye isn't our neighbor he is still a creation of God. 

3. God is able to use anyone for his Glory! 

I love you all & I hope we can come together as a human race <3 


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